Initialize the brainCloud wrapper and register for callback events
How brainCloud authentication works and why its so flexible
What profiles and identities are and how they work together
Anonymous authentication and why you'd want to use it
Authenticated identities including universal (user id + password) and email + password
Attaching an email identity to the user's profile
External authentication with Twitch
An overview of the brainCloud portal's cloud code API explorer
Setting up a leaderboard on the brainCloud portal, displaying the leaderboard and posting scores to the leaderboard
What global entities are, when and why to use them, and how to read their data on the client
Setting up, displaying and incrementing user statistics
Setting up, displaying and awarding achievements
What user entities are, why and when to use them, and how to create and update their data
Cloud code scripting to post a score to multiple leaderboards
Create a custom aggregate leaderboard using custom entities that isn't possible with a standard leaderboard
Add a post hook script on authentication and return the data from several brainCloud requests to reduce the number of brainCloud calls the client application has to make
It is expected that you are familiar with the C++ and the Unreal Engine
Unreal editor version: 4.27 or 5.1 (both are supported)